2021 Conference: Odyssey
The theme of the TEDxTAMU 2021 Conference is Odyssey, which we define as “a long journey that promotes profound change”. We are excited to present a remarkable group of speakers that have made global impacts in the areas of health, entrepreneurship, art, and education.
“The Biases That Blind Us” - Sarita Menon
“Texas A&M’s Odyssey from the Big12 to the SEC” - R. Bowen Loftin
“Unlocking Freedom with Forgiveness” - Derek LaHair
“Memento Mori: A Daaily Dose of Mind Medicine” - Hector Chapa
“Innovation Starts With “I”” - Saleema Vellani
“How Understanding Borders Helps Us Facilitate Positive Change” - Ekansh Tambe
“ABC - Always Be Courageous: Turning Tragedy to Triumph” - Cam Ayala
“The Creativity Paradox” - Todd Dewett
Rosemarie Fiore
Sarita Menon
R. Bowen Loftin
Derek LaHair
Eden Gillot
Hector Chapa
Saleema Vellani
Ekansh Tambe
Cam Ayala
Todd Dewett
Jonos Davis