2018 Conference: Meliorism
“Feed Just One” - Anthony Hermes
“#AroundTheWorld #Trends” - Eduardo Angel
“Vibrations, The Common Language of Internet of Things (IoTs)” - Eric Jing Du
“Make Peace With Yourself, Bring Peace to the World” - Sanah Jivani
“The Effective Use of Game-Based Learning in Education” - Andre Thomas
“The Power of Community” - Howard Partridge
“IMAGINATION; “I’m - A - Genie - In - Creation”” - Shayla Rivera
“I am Priceless #HealingForward” - Regina Rowley
“Uncanny Wisdom: Human Behavior and Sustainability” - George Rogers
“GRIT(S)” - Dustin Kemp
“We are ZOE” - Gaston Warner
“Upside-down School” - Peter Han
“C.A.R.E: Calling All Responsible Educator” - Diana Wandix-White
“How will you Choose to Contribute?” - Bassel Daher
“100 a Day and Rising” - Robert Wunderlich
“Feed the Good Wolf and Personify your Trauma “- Morgan Riba
The 2018 TEDxTAMU conference took place on April 8, 2018. The theme of the conference was Meliorism, which is the belief that the world can be made better with human effort.
Session 1 Speakers
Anthony Hermes
Eduardo Angel
Eric Jing Du
Sanah Jivani
Session 2 Speakers
Andre Thomas
Howard Partridge
Shayla Rivera
Regina Rowley
Session 3 Speakers
George Rogers
Dustin Kemp
Gaston Warner
Peter Han
Session 4 Speakers
Diana Wandix-White
Bassel Daher
Robert Wunderlich
Morgan Riba