2024 Conference: Taboo
“Fostering Fortitude: Developing a Path to Educator Resilience” - Dante Poole
“Grief is the Price We Pay for Love” - Kelly Pascuzzi
“The power of asking “Why not?”” - Rana Salman
“The Chemistry of Resilience” - Jennifer Watson
“Is There a Link Between School Violence and Teacher Bullying?” - Linda Metcalf
“Affirmations and the Road to Recovery” - Tim Murphy
“Breaking the Glass Ceiling with Confident Communication” - Anissa Centers
“3 steps to achieve anything” - Susan Whitehead
“How curiosity can lead to self-discovery” - Jaime Haith
“The importance of studying women’s history” - Lorissa Rinehart
“Living fully with bipolar disorder” - Nacho Ruiz Hens
“How to bring the joy of travel to everyday life” - Don Lamp
The 2024 TEDxTAMU conference was on April 7, 2024, in Rudder Forum. The theme of the conference was Taboo. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, taboo means “banned on grounds of morality or taste.” This theme challenges us to acknowledge topics that are uncomfortable or deviate from societal norms. By bring these speakers to this year’s conference, we hope to shed light on their stories and help foster an environment of acceptance.
Session 1 Speakers
Dante Poole
Kelly Pascuzzi
Rana Salman
Jennifer Watson
Linda Mecalf
Tim Murphy
Session 2 Speakers
Anissa Centers
Susan Whitehead
Jamie Haith
Lorissa Rinehart
Nacho Ruiz Hens
Don Lamp