2016 Conference: Pioneering Change
Change is inevitable, yet there are few people that seek to make this change positive. Today's society needs individuals to take the reigns; to set out on a path towards a better tomorrow.
“How Technology is Rewriting the Rules of the Built World and Construction” - James Benham
“Lessons You Can Learn In College From Studying Beer” - Kevin Andrews
“The Courage to Change” - Craig Shapiro
“Head First! Crash Course in Positivity” - Steve Lawton
“The XYZ Strategies for Succeeding in a Multi-Generational World” - Fancy Mills
“Tales from the Crypt: Harvesting Death for Humanity’s Benefit” - Jeffrey Tomberlin
“Image of the Enemy” - Leo Lopez
“Never Underestimate the Power of Your Inspiration” - Reuben May
“Intensive Innovation Experience” - Rodney Boehm
“Changing Phase Behavior to Facilitate Chemical Processes” - David Bergbreiter
“Why Your True Self Matters” - Rebecca Schlegel
“How Technological Change Drives Improvement in Plant-Breeding and Agriculture” - Seth Murray
“A Story About the Future” - Mark McSpadden
“Physics as a Street Art” - Tatiana Erukhimova
James Benham
Kevin Andrews
Craig Shapiro
Steve Lawton
Fancy Mills
Jeffrey Tomberlin
Leo Lopez
Reuben May
Rodney Boehm
David Bergbreiter
Rebecca Schlegel
Seth Murray
Mark McSpadden
Tatiana Erukhimova