2017 Conference: Horizons
“How to Handle Broken Promises” - Amanda Messer
“Kids Deserve It” - Todd Desloney
“I’m Proud of Lying to Your Doctor” - Andrew Roblyer
“Space Might be Our Last Frontier, but Diversity is Our Last Horizon” - Dr. Ramer
“A Wild Look at Dentistry” - Charles Dyer
“Copyright’s Excess: Mo’ Copyright = Mo’ Money = Less Music” - Glynn Lunney
“Did Homo Naledi Deliberately Dispose of Their Dead?” - Darryl J de Ruiter
“The Skill of Humor” - Andrew Tarvin
“From the Battlefield to our Neighborhoods: A Path to Zero Preventable Deaths” - Andrew Fisher
“Authentic Truth Requires Authentic Spaces” - Jen Hoffman
“What I Learned in Prison” - Adam Key
“Disruption for Good” - Chris Field
“Are Microbes Responsible for Criminal Behavior?” - Suresh D. Pillai
“Half for the Hungry” - Margaret Bosenbark
“Space For Humanity: The Liberating Truth About Drones” - Nick Madincea & Marjorie Ferrone
“Careers are Dead; You Should Euthanize Yours” - Andy Ellwood
Horizons are known not for what they are, but for what they lead to. In Horizons, there is potential, for they are inherently boundless. From penitentiary teachers to introverted public speakers, our speakers have one thing in common; they do not let the status quo stand unquestioned. They see past the current situation and into what could be.
The 2017 TEDxTAMU Conference took place on April 22.
Session 1 Speakers
Amanda Messer
Todd Nesloney
Andrew Roblyer
Dr. Ramer
Session 2 Speakers
Charles Dyer
Glynn Lunney
Darryl J de Ruiter
Andrew Tarvin
Session 3 Speakers
Andrew Fisher
Jen Hoffman
Adam Key
Chris Field
Session 4 Speakers
Suresh D. Pillai
Margaret Bosenbark
Nick Madincea
Marjorie Ferrione
Andy Ellwood