Allison Byrd
Walking on the Border
Allison Byrd serves as Unbound Now’s Europe Strategy Director, leading the Ukraine crisis response and ongoing programming to identify and serve survivors of trafficking in partnership with regional law enforcement.
Allison graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies with a B.A. in International Affairs. She is currently pursuing her law degree at Texas A&M University.
During university, Allison interned at the White House in the Office of Economic Initiatives. While there, she assisted with the White House Human Trafficking Summit, the roll-out of related executive actions, and the annual meeting of the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Human Trafficking.
Walking on the Border
Allison presents her experience on the Poland-Ukraine border, where she engaged in anti-trafficking efforts. She discusses how to live life intentionally, finding something worth dying for in order to freely live.